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My Cats
I have two cats. They are the only two cats I have ever had. That means that for every quality or action, one of them is the best cat I've ever owned, while the other is the worst cat I've ever owned.
2021-12-12 00:17:48 | Blog ID: 1 | View/Add Comments

The Finale
This semester has been rough. Last semester was rough, but this was worse. Last semester was worse than the one before that. I did not need this pandemic at this point in my life. Healthcare is no longer a fulfilling industry to work in. I guess I should be glad I'm finding out now and not after I take on a role in healthcare informatics.
2021-12-12 03:10:29 | Blog ID: 2 | View/Add Comments

this will be
2021-12-12 06:05:53 | Blog ID: 6 | View/Add Comments

are a delicious fruit
2021-12-12 06:08:35 | Blog ID: 7 | View/Add Comments